How to promote your own branded cosmetics?

by admin


Aug 9, 2011


How to promote your own branded cosmetics?

Creating your own products that work is not so difficult if you have rich experience in this field for years. However you need to note that any product would go unnoticed if there isn’t any effective marketing strategy to market your products.

Firstly, you should specify your target market, know your customers exactly and why they need it. Knowing the comparable products very well is very important so that you can provide a reasonable and competitive price for your own products.


  1. Place a table at local market or local trade fair to meet the target customers. Decorate your table more attractive. You product name and login should be easy to read and obvious. Arrange your product samples so that the passers can reach easily. You should stand in front of the table in order that the customer can see you easily. To be friendly with everyone who enters into your table and let them try your products freely.
  2. Make an advertisement that will attractive to the readers and introduce your product clearly. In your local magazine that your customers will read, place one or more advertisements introducing your products. Keep in mind you need to be clear about your own beauty solution that your product provided. Tell the customers that why your products deliver different functions that others product can not offer.
  3. Website marketing: You do not only need to promote your own products but also you need to find other online marketing methods. For example, you can use the social network such as Twitter and facebook which actually are the traffic factory. In addition, you can find several bloggers that their blogs are related with beauty products. Just send your products samples to them and ask them to take a picture or write a passage about your products. Also you can build back links to your website. You can pay some money for it. Get in touch with the bloggers and collect the feedback about your products.
  4. Promote your own products website. Of course you have to build your products website. It is not enough. You need to promote your website. Updating website continuously is very important for Search engine optimization.

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