Choose the best hair removal method
Hair removal methods available
Unwanted hair removal plays an very import role in people’s life.Now threre are various hair removal methods available:laser based treatment,shaving,waxing.You need to choose the best methods suited for you.
Laser based treatment
Laser based treatment is becoming more and more popular.The benefit of laser based treatment is that it can achieve the purpose of permannent hair removal result.The lasers with different wavelengths deliver penetrating power and the follicle and the hair would not grow again.However,the permannent hair removal result is not acknlwledeged by all the people since there are a great number of patients who received the treatment would have their hair grown back.The disadvantage of laser treatment is that you have to spend a great number of money to complete the whole treatment session.
Shaving method
For men,shaving is the most common method to shave the mustache or beard.In depilatories field,shaving blade is still the most popular products.There are also a great number of women choosing shaving as the unwanted hair removal method.Shaving can only remove your hair in short term.Once you begin to shave,you have to perform the shaving every three or four days since the hair would grow back quickly.Additionally,the hair would grow thicker and thicker after repeated shaving. Shaving can not remove your hair from the root of follicle and that is the reason that you have shave your hair every three or four days.
Waxing method
Hair removal waxing products are ideal for the hair removal.There are various hair removal waxing products available.Wax strips,cold wax,hot wax,strips wax can be used in hair removal.All the waxing products deliver the same hair removal result.You can only removal your unwanted hair in a short time with waxing products.Waxing is different from shaving.With waxing,your skin can keep clean and smooth for up to four or five weeks.Wax can removal your hair from the root of follicle.
As to the price,the waxing products is cheaper than shaving products.For example,your can buy a box of wax stripswith 8 dollars and it can keep your skin clean and smooth for several months.
According to the points shown above,waxing is the most cost-effective hair removal method.
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