Now hair removal is becoming an inseparable part of grooming. For the men, they use razors to remove their facial hair and the blades can do a great hair removal job. But there is a problem with this method; the blade would cause injury easily. Hair removal with blade will always remove the hair superficially and not deep from the focille. The hair would grow back within several days.
For the women, they have several options for hair removal. Hair plucking and depilatory waxing are always used by them. Waxing is used more and more in recently years since it will not let your hair grow stronger and stronger. Depilatory cream, liquid, or lotions are also used favorably by many women.
Actually, many men also prefer waxing hair removal. There is a great number of men say that waxing is the best hair removal method .Hot wax, cold wax or depilatory wax strips are commonly used. Hot waxing should be performed in the salon. The depilatory wax strips is the best choice for home use or travelling since it can achieve the best hair removal results and its result can last up to four weeks.
However, different people would have different types of skin. Some chemical based depilatory cream or lotions may not suit everyone.